I told my dad once that the 60s was wasted on him when I embrace peace, love, and groovy colors (wink, wink). He reminded me that while I enjoyed my freedoms, he fought for those. It was a perspective I knew in my head, but not my heart until that very moment. 

But maybe my soul knew because my favorite kitchen herb is thyme. Folklore tells us that thyme was used for courage. It was placed in the armor of knights as they went off to battle. It’s also the tattoo that lives on my chest where my breasts once were. 

And my favorite wildflower is yarrow. Another warrior plant in my book. Yarrow is nature’s band-aide. Its leaves heal bumps and bruises and the flowers quickly bring down a fever. 

Herbs have a way of finding the nooks and crannies of our lives. They fill our soul. This site was created to share my love of herbs with you … my reader. 

Hood to Coast Relay